Syntony and Spark: The Origins of Radio - Aitken - 1985Hugh G.J. Aitken, Syntony and Spark: The Origins of Radio, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985).Aitken, H. G. J. 1976. Syntony and Spark - The Origins of Radio: John Wiley & Sons....
by the discovery of the radiofrequency spectrum, a resource created by science and technology, came to have,as the nineteenth century neared its close, clear similarities to the prob lems faced earlier in the opening upof new continents.1 There was, however, one major point of difference....
thought to have passed along the concept of bur iai in monumentaI tombs as they ex pl ored Br i ttany, Br itai n, North Germany, and Scandinavia Paragraph 2 i s marked with p aragra ph 3, why does the author discuss the results of radiocarb on dates supp ort the i dea that me...
Mutation plays the primary role in evolution that Weismann mistakenly attributed to sex. Homologous recombination, as in sex, is important for population genetics – shuffling of minor variants, but relatively insignificant for large-scale evolution. Maj
He's kind of flat in this. The lines are reasonable(some good banter), with a couple of nice ones. You can't always tell what is being said, especially in the flashback, over the radio. This isn't very challenging, with exceptions. You seldom go far back when you die, it saves ...
Although he relies on her “training” to pilot a plane to get them from Germany to Britain, he thinks that if he lets her use the radio, she will inform the Nazis of their position instead of alerting the British not to fire at them with anti-aircraft guns. The plane is therefore ...
Astronomers have traced two mysterious fast radio bursts from space to wildly different places, which suggests the phenomenon may originate in diverse ways.
The federal radio commission in federal court: Origins of broadcast regulatory doctrinesdoi:10.1080/08838157009363606Don R. Le duc & Thomas A. McCainAssistant professor in the Department of Speech and Dramatic ArtsJournal of Broadcasting
Lawrence explains many mysteries involving the origins of all things, including an exciting twist on the extinction of the dinosaurs. Dr. Lawrence provides unique answers for a whole range of questions about creation, including: "What environmental conditions allowed the dinosaurs to thrive?" "How ...
The maximum correlation is reached when the Psw data are shifted by 2.7 years prior to the radio observations. Using this time-lag in the computations, the simulation results show that (Psw) can be associated with the variations of the particle injections and the radial transport. The ...