“We encounter this problem many times in the history of Russian architecture, even as late as the 18th century. There were many fires, invasions, cataclysms. Moscow burned in 1812 during the Napoleonic invasion. The documents are often just not there,” explained Brumfield. Related articleBuildin...
By 1946 the Russian Orthodox Church had the power to become involved in Soviet foreign policy objectives, whereas in 1940 the most leaders of the Church could have hoped for was survival.doi:10.1057/9781403919571_2Anna DickinsonPalgrave Macmillan UKAnna Dickinson."Domestic and Foreign Policy ...
Christians celebrate Christmas Day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings form the basis of their religion. Popular customs include exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, attending church, sharing meals with family and friends and, of course, ...
From about 600 BCE, migrating pagan tribes from the Russian Steppes, known as Celts, established themselves astride the Upper Danube in central Europe.Celtic culture, based on exceptional trading skills and an early mastery of iron, facilitated their gradual expansion throughout Europe, and led to...
Head of Russian Church Explains Why 'Papism Is Dangerous' Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia | 1,450 Comments 'Mass Formation Psychosis' Is Secular Nomenclature for an Orthodox-Diagnosed Demonic Phenomenon (VIDEO) 864 Comments Russia's Badass Monument to Tsar Ivan the Terrible 606...
There is considerable evidence of the material life of the Indus people, but its interpretation remains a matter of speculation until their writing is deciphered. Enough evidence exists, however, to show that several features of later Hinduism may have had prehistoric origins. In most of the ...
This conflict is not a characteristic of Christianity in general, as Orthodox and Catholic Christians, in contrast, have long-standing and visible traditions of mysticism (e.g., monasticism, the desert fathers, and the Russian and Spanish mystics). In light of the current materialist zeitgeist,...
Yiddish, indeed, is the language of all the multitude of Russian, Polish and Roumanian Jews that have immigrated to America in recent years. Not a few of these immigrants know other languages, including the language of the countries where they've lived. But Yiddish is the popular medium, the...
By 1093 chess was condemned by the eastern orthodox church. The oldest known chess set is called the "Lewis Chessmen" dated 1120. They were an incomplete collection of 12 different sets found on the island of Lewis in the Outer Herbrides. The chessmen are of Viking origin and date from ar...
Another variety of the oktōēchos occurs in Russian Church chant. Although a concept of eight ēchoi points to the Byzantine system, the Russian ēchoi show a different structure. The melodic motives characteristic of the ēchoi are called popievki; but similar popievki could be employed in ...