The morphological traits were observed using an Olympus SZX-16 binocular microscope. We evaluated morphological traits commonly used in lycid taxonomy, i.e., the relative size of yeas, the shape of antennae, male genitalia, and coloration to exclude the possibility that close OTUs represent distant...
About 60 years ago, neurons in the mammalian nervous system sensitive to the direction of visual motion were described in the primary visual cortex of the cat1,2and in the retina of the rabbit3,4. Thereafter, investigation of the circuit origins and the neural mechanisms for direction selectivi...
Images were acquired using a 100x /NA = 1.4 immersion oil objective (Olympus) on a DeltaVision Elite deconvolution microscope (Applied Precision, GE). A z series was acquired sampling every 0.2 microns for a total of 15-25 sections. The z series was then deconvolved, and a maximum projection...
Additionally, the collection and voucher specimens were photographed so we could document the diversity of aposematic signalling, the variability of aposematic patterns, and intraspecific variability. These illustrations were taken using a Canon EOS 700D digital camera attached to an Olympus SZX-16 binoc...
mM Tris pH 9.5, 100 mM NaCl, 50 mM MgCl2, 0.1% Tween 20 and 2% polyvinyl alcohol) until signals were visible. The reaction was stopped in PBST, post-fixed in 10% formalin/PBST, rewashed with PBST, mounted with 40% glycerol, and observed under a light microscope (IX71, Olympus)...