Coated in Japanese curry roux. Udon suki. A hot pot noodle dish where a platter of cooked udon noodles is topped with bean curd, bamboo shoots, eel, shrimp, shiitake mushrooms, mochi, daikon radish, spinach, and chicken, and served alongside individual bowls of broth for dipping. Yaki ...
of later Japanese poetry. Nevertheless, the supreme works of theMan’yōshūare thechōkaof Hitomaro, Ōtomo Tabito,Ōtomo Yakamochi(probably the chief compiler of the anthology), andYamanoue Okura. The most striking quality of theMan’yōshūis its powerful sincerity of expression. The poets ...
在古代的大和朝廷(3〜6世紀)有一種名為「部民(べみん / Bemin)」的奴隸制度,讓部民從事某一特定職業,且部名一般為主人名或職業名。現今的群馬縣在古代是「車持部(くるまもちべ /Kurumamochibe)」部民們居住的地方,負責製造跟管理朝廷交通工具「輿(こし / Koshi)」,後來保留「車(くるま / Kuruma)...