He has mastered a vast technical literature in French and English, exploited the archives and material remains of colonial and postcolonial Africa, and knows his African history to boot. He writes with grace and feeling, and makes accessible the scientific and clinical issues. Above all, he ...
MYTHS OF ORIGINS 1 The most significant myths of a given culture are usually the cosmogonic, or creation myths, the sacred stories evolved and developed in an effort to explain the origin of the universe, the presence of the gods, and the existence of man. And so we shall devote this ch...
Significance of the Woman in Distress » The Film Noir Private Eye: Debunking the Myth » Film Noir Plot Elements: WWII vs. Postwar » What Explains the Visual Style of Film Noir? » Analyses in Film Noir: The Encyclopedia » International Crime Film/Film Noir: 1923-1963 Oth...
History of Stone Age Art (2.5 million-3,000 BCE) Prehistoric artcomes from three epochs of prehistory: Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. Theearliest recorded artis theBhimbetka petroglyphs(a set of 10 cupules and an engraving or groove) found in a quartzite rock shelter known as Auditorium...
Modern Fantasy Literature | Definition, History & Examples Vampire Literature: Popularity & Criticism Cthulhu Mythos, Characteristics & Influence The Vampire Literature Genre | Characteristics & Evolution City of Ember Comprehension Questions City of Ember Writing Prompts City of Ember Discussion Questions Ci...
COMPARATIVE literature, Chinese & WesternReports the origin and emergence of modern fantasy. Link to supernatural cultural beliefs; Consideration of modern fantasy as a distinct literary genre; Adoption of literary realism; Use of a referent...
of the existing literature on national emotions, which scholars could address via theoretical modification and extension. Instead, existing arguments about intense national emotions suffer from a more fundamental problem, namely a misspecification problem (to borrow from the jargon of quantitative data ...
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Challenging conventional approaches that leave questions of security to policy experts, Russ Castronovo turns to literature, philosophy, and political theory to show how security provides an organizing principle for collective life in ways that both enhance freedom and limit it. His incisive critique ran...
And in recent years superstar Brad Pitt has expressed interest in producing and starring in a 1930s-era adventure/fantasy film based on the Bermuda Triangle-themed video game “Dark Void”, a project that has been described a“…’The Rocketeer’ Meets ‘War of the Worlds’.” ...