originate-to-distribute model直译是发放-销售模式,指的是指先贷款,然后再把贷款资产证券化的过程。
网络商业模式 网络释义 1. 商业模式 ...银行埋首将资产证券化,然后乐此不疲地以发起 —配售商业模式(originate-to-distribute model) 发售这些证券时,保险公司一 … zlk.qzr.cn|基于 1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,商业模式
网络业模式 网络释义 1. 业模式 ...响因素; 这些新的影响因素包括:创始并证券化的商业模式(originate-to-distribute business model)、 投机气焰浓厚的信用 … ja.scribd.com|基于 1 个网页
originate-to-distributescreeningbank loansrisk-managementincentivesAn originate-to-distribute (OTD) model of lending, where the originator of a loan sells it to various third parties, was a popular method of mortgage lending beSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
内容提示: Originate-to-Distribute Model and the Subprime Mortgage CrisisAmiyatosh Purnanandam∗October 27, 2009AbstractAn originate-to-distribute (OTD) model of lending, where the originator of a loansells it to various third parties, was a popular method of mortgage lending before theonset of ...
originate-to-hold to originate-to-distribute model, it begins to interfere with the originating banks’ ex-ante screening and ex-post monitoring incentives (Pennacchi, 1988; Gorton and Pe- nacchi, 1995; Petersen and Rajan, 2002; Parlour and Plantin, 2008). It is this cost of the OTD model...
将“originate and distribute model"翻译成中文 发起和分销式业务模式是将“originate and distribute model"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:This "originate to distribute" model means that investors holding MBS and CDOs also bear several types of risks, and this has a variety of consequences. ↔ 這種「...
(中经评论·北京)在 过去的20多年里,发放-销售模式(Originate-to-Distribute model,简称OTD模式)在证券化程度较高的美国及英国得到了越来越广泛的应用。但次贷危机的爆发及其进一步引发的上世纪30年代以来最为严重的国际 金融危机,一下子把OTD模式置于了问题的焦点,倍受诟病和指责。到底OTD模式存在哪些问题?在次贷危...
Bank credit has evolved from the traditional relationship banking model to an originate-to-distribute model. We show that the borrowers whose loans are sold in the secondary market underperform their peers by about 9% per year (risk-adjusted) over the three-year period following the initial sale...
The subprime mortgage crisis (SMC) has highlighted the shift from traditional originate-to-hold banking models to originate-to-distribute models involving loan retention and securitization, respectively. In this proceedings paper, we consider the process of subprime residential mortgage loan (RML) securit...