Star Trek 4 should focus on bringing back characters, not debuting new ones 11/28/2024 by Chad Porto Red Shirts Always Die Star Trek: Strange New Worlds should focus on expanding on The Orions next 11/11/2024 by Chad Porto Red Shirts Always Die ...
“Star Trek” would often tie figures from Earth’s past to characters of the future (one list of history’s failed despots included Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler and “Krotus”). “The Savage Curtain” takes this one step further, by bringing to life our greatest president, Abraham ...
Along with Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, he is one of the three central characters inthe original Star Trek seriesand its films. 他与詹姆斯·T·柯克舰长、“老骨头”伦纳德·麦科伊医生是原初电视剧的三个中心人物。
This cat-and-mouse game intensifies as the dynamics between the three characters evolve, revealing personal grievances and resulting in a clash of wills with dangerous consequences. Directed by Charlie McDowell, the film digs into the themes of greed, class disparity, and the...
With current characters converted over and new ones with new story 11 542 The clearing of Castle Caldwell by Dohojar 8 hours ago Xerxez’ Empire of the Petal Throne One of the old convention scenarios using the old EPT rules. 18 1,189 "Out of Character" Discussion Thread by flight...
A seventh TOS movie, the eleventh Star Trek film in total was released in 2009; the new film sees the original characters recast, and set in an alternate timeline earlier than the original tv series. Star Trek: The Original Series episodes and movies Season 1 The Cage • "Where No ...
StarTrekcharacters,hadaffectedthegoodcaptaininaveryclearandobviousway.Ireadilyseethe storythatsurelymustflowfromtheeventsinoneofTrek’smostpopularepisodes,andIknowjust howitwilltieinwiththeoverallthemesoftheothertwobooks. IknowatoncethatIcan’twritesuchanovel. ...
An unauthorized critique of the original Star Trek television series, episode by episode. Discussion of the scripts, writing technique, special effects, stories and characters surrounding Jirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, Chekov and the various al
The Staggering Amount Of Money Star Trek Has Made On Streaming 2/13/2025 by Witney Seibold Slash Film 10 Years After ‘Star Wars,’ the UK Is Winning as Hollywood’s Global Production Hub 2/10/2025 by Jeremy Fuster The Wrap 10 Reasons George Lucas' Star Wars Prequels Were Better Than ...
Roddenberry had little idea that the show would become a phenomenon, spawning other televised series based on the original premise, several films starring the original cast members, an animated version, more films based on characters from the subsequent Star Trek: Next Generation series, and, in ...