JURASSIC PARK 35mm 4K scan + 35mm 4k scans of many trailers Mega Project including the rare Spiderman Twin Towers Teaser, Blade Runner, Pretty In Pink and numerous, some rare, others, see post (WIP - 6.5K scans of JP and trailers complete. Scan data now in hand! Funding of the projec...
From Superman to Spiderman, from X-men to Batman, I always imagined what it would be like to put on those spandex suits and go out in public and declare myself a hero." read more Description Join Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, the Human Torch and the Thing as they fight to save...
SpIdeRmAn2099 Date reviewed: August 14, 2002. Overall:This is the best realistic football game ever! Its the best Madden so far..alot of changes. Buy this game if you are a NFL fan! Gameplay:If you liked the passing from last year..its better and it kicks butt. The running is way ...
Sound: I have been a fan of Danny Elfman for a while (from movie themes suchas MIB and Spiderman) just to name a paultry few...the effects in game...spells, weapons, creatures, water, dialouge...all done very, very well...oncce again, some may say too much or maybe not enough...