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感觉Walkman的设计团队越来越神棍 | 最近在看索尼新发布的ZX707开发者访谈,除了惯常吹水外,发现几条神棍言论,摘取出来供大家品评一下。 神论一:低性能Soc有利于实现高音质 开发者解释:很多Soc会在高性能与低功耗模式之间切换,导致用电波伏较大,会引入噪声。于是团队干脆使用低性能Soc,满足最低的音乐播放需求,同时...
A Sony MZ-R3 portable Minidisc recorder MD Walkman. It has never been used and has only been taken out of the box to look at it and take pictures! It is in perfect condition, NO SCRATCHES or any other blemishes - NEVER BEEN USED! It comes with the original h 这是一个非常罕见的...