Fans of "Last Man Standing" are deeply familiar with many of the Baxter family members, including Mandy, the fashion savvy daughter of series lead Mike. The Baxter daughter serves as a main character from the show's very first season all the way to its final installment and she undergoes q...
Exploring the life of Nina Simone, the documentary combines previously unreleased archival footage and interviews with Simone's daughter and friends. Actors: James Baldwin, Stokely Carmichael, Walter Cronkite, Stanley Crouch Released: 2015 Also ranks #6 on The Most Underrated Netflix...
the government’s going to forget everything we learned from A Clockwork Orange and Ludovico everybody except cops out of all bad impulses via processor chips in our brains, which means this guy — oh man, what if he was seriously named Graham Bricke, and everyone just kept referring to hi...
The first Netflix import from Uruguay bestowsa geri-action plotin the tradition ofDeath WishandLiam Neeson’s last dozen movieson an actor more than up to the task. Diego Alonso, with a stare that could wither fresh produce, works the combination of steely resolve and kindly paternalism with...
In 1958, New York City, Jewish housewife Midge Maisel (Rachel Brosnahan) finds out her husband — a businessman who does stand-up comedy on the side — is stealing his jokes from big-time comic Bob Newhart and, worse, having an affair. To cope with the upheaval, Midge begins to tell...
However, this is eclipsed when his eldest daughter goes missing and Tom sets about trying to find her. Along the way, Tom uncovers a number of dark secrets about some of the people closest to him. Alamy Stock Photo by Matt Squire / Netflix / Courtesy: Everett Collection/R...
All I have is a cd from mariah carry Family desires leading me astray Family desires echoing in my head Family desires leading me astray Desires come true Go ahead My nephew asked for a guitar solo My daughter wants to be a fairy My son's love is hope so low All I have is a city...
Royal Music has released a new soundtrack album for Maggie Gyllenhaal’s directorial debut The Lost Daughter. The album features the original songs from the film by Greek singer/songwriter Monika (aka Monika Christodoulou). Visit Amazon or any other major digital music services to stream/download...
Lavrin started to back away from the group of men only to backpedal directly into a solid object. He spun around as fast as lightning and saw that he had run directly into a large man standing two heads higher than him. In the man’s right hand was a sack-cloth bag, and in his ...
专辑:Fallin' (Original Song from the TV Series "The Secret Daughter")流派:流行 立即播放 收藏(2.3w) 分享(688) 下载歌曲 作曲:Ivy Adara,Peter James Harding,Louis Schoorl 作词:Ivy Adara,Peter James Harding,Louis Schoorl Something about the way you drive me up the wall And there's something ...