使用Xtrabackup恢复mysql数据时候报错:Original data directory is not empty! at /usr/bin/innobackupex line 568. 网上普遍只说了引起这种想象的两种原因,还有第三种原因是我遇到的: 1.恢复备份文件要保证mysql的data目录为空,否则会报错,解决办法: # /etc/init.d/mysqld stop # cd /usr/local/mysql # cp...
1.恢复备份文件要保证mysql的data目录为空,否则会报错,解决办法: # /etc/init.d/mysqld stop # cd /usr/local/mysql # cp -rf data{,.bak} # rm -rf ./data/* 1. 2.data目录是空的,原因是恢复数据时候没有指定my.cnf的路径,解决办法: innobackupex --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --user=root -...
在还原MySQL数据库时,如果遇到“还原 Original data directory /data/mysql is not empty!”的错误,我们需要先清空数据目录中的文件,然后再进行还原操作。我们可以手动清空数据目录,或使用命令行工具如mysqladmin和mysql,或使用图形化界面工具如MySQL Workbench来解决这个问题。 希望本文对你理解和解决这个错误有所帮助!
LOG.warn( s"${dir.canonicalPath} is not empty, the data in this directory will be lost..." ) dir.delete() dir.createDirectories() dir.createDirectories() } } } } } 17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions 17 odinson-api/src/main/scala/com/twosixlabs/dart/odinson/config/AnnotatorCo...
Restore jobs can create data in the IBMDb2log directory. In some cases, if more than one restore job is run, data will remain in the log directory from the previous job. As a result, the next attempt to restore a database to the original location fails unless the log directory is purg...
The directory/var/lib/sentry/files/is completely empty on the worker. And when I upload the files thesentrycontainers do have the files in/var/lib/sentry/files. So it seems to me that there is no shared volume mount for all the Docker images for/var/lib/sentry. ...
Data.dll but was not handled in user code Additional information: There is no row at position 0. An exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll but was not handled in user codeAn exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in Entity...
Assign a Column name from a dataTable to a table header cell in a table control assign html text box value from code behind using c# Assigning null to an array if array is empty Asynchronous operations are not allowed in this context. Attachment File Path while Sending Email using C# and ...
If the drive directory is damaged, the drive can not be Mounted, so your Mac begins one pass of Disk Utility Repair. This will take an additional about five minutes. During this process, the progress bar may be extended, and will grow by an additional amount not seen on a routine start...
But that is only useful if cmd.exe can really execute this command line which is not the case in the scenarios described above. This method makes it also possible copying new video files into the directory tree or modifying existing video files in the directory tree on which Wi...