The beast of burden will always be necessary. We hear the sound of a child close at hand. SCENE 25 INT. GRINDELWALD’S HIDEOUT, NURSERY—AFTERNOON GRINDELWALD enters. A small child looks up, puzzled. GRINDELWALD contemplates him for a moment, then nods at CARROW and turns to leave....
It was an attractive property, with high windows, a stained glass fanlight, and solid oak parquet ooring, but it had serious disadvantages, most crucially the access, which was via a re escape belonging to the neighbouring property. I knew this could pose legal problems if she ever wanted ...
The beast of burden will always be necessary. We hear the sound of a child close at hand. SCENE 25 INT. GRINDELWALD’S HIDEOUT, NURSERY—AFTERNOON GRINDELWALD enters. A small child looks up, puzzled. GRINDELWALD contemplates him for a moment, then nods at CARROW and turns to leave....