在表格categories栏将标题列定义为unsorted(右键 set as categorical) 即表示X的那一列
Origin's Graph toolbar lets you add layers to your graph, merge selected graphs, or extract data plots to separate layers or layers to separate graph windows, with the click of a button. With multiple layers selected (pressing Ctrl key to select), Origin's Object Edit toolbar enables you...
While it is possible to paste the figure you have no control over the transferred figure. I guess that as we are playing more and more frequently with complex graphs this may become an issue.2. I have some data that can be represented as columns with numbers. I have three of them but...
Set data filter conditions and click Apply or OK. Once you've added filter conditions, you can double-click on the Filter cell to edit the filter. Menu Options and Dialog Controls Three general types of filters are supported, grouped by Format: Date Numeric Text, Month or Day of Week....
You do not have to run the setup program on the computer, but if you run it on a remote computer you must manually verify that the computer has the correct version of all required system DLLs (see Required System DLLs on page 12). During the installation, you will be asked to enter ...
routinestoautomatearepetitiveprocesslikeimportingdata,plotting,and fitting.Additionally,youcansimplifytheysisofdatabydevelo routinestoperformpre-definedactionsattheclickofabutton. Inadditiontousingthedefaultinterface,youcanuseLabTalkcommands toopenandclosechildwindowsinanOriginproject.Thus,youneednot haveeveryapplicati...
The origin URL pattern can be an IP address. But an IP address and a domain that resolve to the same address aren’t the same origin, and you must add them to the CORS allowlist as separate entries. Declarative Metadata Sample Definition ...
For general questions or feedback you can get in touch with me directly.CreditsThanks to Anne van Kesteren and Adam Barth for answering my queries on the W3C mailing list during the development of the CORS Filter. Also thanks to the greater community for the effort to come up with a web...
I'd love to have an option to set where the 0,0 point is for the X and Y axes. Top Left is fine for many projects, but it'd be nice to have, perhaps, a radio button-style interface, either in preferences or in the document properties (or both!),...