MA=master of arts: 硕士 PHD:博士 defendant: 论文的答辩者 defend my thesis mental outlook: 精神面貌 world outlook: 世界观 vision/view/sight capacity n. 能力 breath capacity: 肺活量 capability/caliber: high caliber in the capacity of: 以什么身份 e.g. In the capacity of a chairman, I extend...
Define Family of Origin. Family of Origin synonyms, Family of Origin pronunciation, Family of Origin translation, English dictionary definition of Family of Origin. n. 1. The act of orienting or the state of being oriented. 2. Location or position relati
See alsoalphabet;authors;books;language;literature;manuscripts;reading;spelling. acrology 1.the use of a symbol to represent phonetically the initial sound (syllable or letter) of the name of an object, as A is the flrst sound of Greekalpha. ...
如:Literature is a source of endless pleasure to many thousands. 文学是很多人快乐的无尽源泉。 Do you know the origin of the custom of giving presents at Christmas? 你知道在圣诞节互赠礼品这一风俗的来源吗? The root of the question la...
Oil shales of the world, their origin, occurrence and exploitation A literature-based compilation of oil shale occurrence, geological setting and environment of deposition. Extensive details are given on the history of exploitation, reserves and tonnages mined, yields of distillates and chemical charac...
Comparative analyses were conducted on a data set derived from the literature so as to test several hypotheses which were developed to explain the distribution of adult-adult play fighting within the order primates. Ratings for play occurring in sexual and non-sexual contexts were developed. Three ...
The primary studies included in the reviews were conducted worldwide, though there was a concentration in northern Europe, North America, and Australasia. Approximately 80% of reviews contained studies across multiple countries, and 84% of reviews included at least one primary study from the UK. ...
The medieval literature was written with a purpose to teach Christian dogmas to the masses. The prose and poetry of the time meant to show men the ugliness of sin and the beauty of goodness. Critics are of the view that English drama originated from Christian religious rituals with the purpos...
英语单词起源(OriginofEnglishwords) 英语词汇起源及妙记 本选集 本指的是诗、文、曲、画等的选集。这个词本身就是一首诗。我们知 道,所谓”选集”,是从某人或一些人的作品中选出精华编辑而成的 集子。编辑的工作,就象是从万紫千红的百花园中采撷心爱的花枝编 制五彩缤纷的精美的花篮敬献给读者。选正是”...