Necroplex –an album whose thoroughly modern stance also pays homage to the likes of early Pink Floyd – as will those who have been intrigued by some of the bands and artists covered in this blog, such as Ergo, Knitting By Twilight, Lüüp and the obvious choice, Gösta Berlings Saga....
Highly recommended to those who have been intrigued by some of the music that I have reviewed in recent times (such as Janel & Anthony, Ergo and Knitting By Twilight/John Orsi), Meadow Rituals is beautiful aural and visual experience, whose stunning photography and haunting musical content will...
Twilight of the Gods from Old Norse mythology, from Old Norse word of same meaning, composed of wordsragna, genitive of "the gods", andrök"destined end" orrökr"twilight" raft raptr(="log") raise reisa ransack rannsaka(="to search thoroughly") reindeer hreindyri rive rifa root rot ...
get married; marriage, wedding; [contains 昏 dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark; faint (Google translate); semantic variant with 昬 dusk, dark confused; stupid] 43 U+59BB 妻 wife 44 U+59D2 姒 wife of elder brother 45 U+5A76 婶 wife of father’s younger brother 46...
CamelliaRasheed (character from “Virgins of Paradise”) CamelliaSackville (character from “The Lord of the Rings”) Camelliafrom “Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits” video game) The image featured at the top of this post is ©Katrina Elena/
Origin of the name Lauren: The baby name Lauren was created as a variation on the English name Laurence. This name came from the traditional Roman surname, Laurentius. The name was meant to represent individuals who were from Laurentum, which came from the Latin word “laurus,” meaning bay...
It was often associated with the end of the day, the transition from light to darkness, and the beauty of the twilight hours. The name 'Hesper' carries with it a sense of enchantment and mystery, evoking images of serene sunsets and the calmness of the evening sky. In this way, the ...
Flannel Mica Seafarer Twilight Foghorn Mirage Shady Violet VulcanBlack Dog Names Canines with coats of jet have a certain mystique about them, so black dog names should be special. Black is also often associated with death, evil, and magic, so keep that in mind, too. ...
Knitting By Twilight,Lüüpand the obvious choice, Gösta Berlings Saga. All in all, this is an album that rewards patience, and proves that vintage prog staples and cutting-edge technology can be successfully combined to produce music that is genuinely progressive, yet appealingly down-to-...