Virginia and Kentucky.The third, Colonel William Churchill, came to Virginia from Oxfordshire in 1674. He had the good fortune to marry a wealthy widow and this allowed him to live in some style on his Bushy Park estate along the Rappahonnick river in Middlesex county. His grandson Armistead...
According to Perley Derby’s 1870 bookThe Hutchinson Family: “The tradition of the family is that Anthony Hutchinson of Cowlam in Yorkshire, living around 1500, had eight sons. The second of these sons, Thomas, went south to Owthorpe in Nottinghamshire and founded the family from which sprung...
Jones is derived from the name "Jon", a medieval variant of John. While Jones was initially a pure Welsh name, various Jones genealogy sources prove that the proximity to England led to a natural immigration of the Jones family name throughout Europe. Antiquarian John Weston writes, “The ...
The German Knöbel name derived from an archaic German word for a servant. It was the name of a Jewish rabbinical family which settled in Galicia in Eastern Europe in the 17th century. The Nobel name in Sweden came from the village of Östra Nöbbelöv in SW Sweden. This name ...
The Chambers family of Pitton in Shropshire contributed settlers in county Wicklow in Ireland in the 1600’s. Another Chambers family built Honing Hall in Norfolk in 1748. And there was a Chambers family of clergymen in Derby in the 18th century. The Rev. Ben Swift Chambers came from Sheple...