5.Writings(used with a sing. or pl. verb)BibleThe third of the three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures, composed of Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles. See Table atBible. ...
So we see that as of December 8, 2002 when we copied the above quotation from the Mormon (LDS) church's official web site that it clearly and unambiguously states that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. The next logical step is to confirm that. But first, let's double-check an...
The best known collection of proverbs is The Book of Proverbs which follows The Psalms in the Old Testament. This Bible Book is a collection of ancient wisdom that uses a form of Hebrew poetry unfamiliar to us because it doesn’t rhyme, and it is still recognized today as full of practica...
Margaret Barker Temple Imagery In Philo: An Indication Of The Origin Of The Logos? Originally published in W. Horbury, ed, Templum Amicitiae: Essays on the Second Temple Presented to Ernst Bammel (JSOT Press: Sheffield, 1991), pp. 70-102. Philo's Logos is a perennial problem. As we ...
There are powers of spiritual origin that will attempt to interfere with the dissemination of this information. In the event that the reader begins to sense such an oppressive influence while reading this book, the author strongly recommends that they stop and read the 23rd Psalms aloud and then...
Epiphany is a Christian holiday commemorating the first manifestation of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, represented by the Magi, and the manifestation of his divinity, as it occurred at his baptism in the Jordan River and at his first miracle, at Cana in