(功能开发完成,调试OK )这个上级分支一般是指Git默认创建的Master分支,这个分支不参与开发,只用于项目...
The named branch on which a change is committed in a Git repository provides valuable insight into the evolution of a software project, including a natural and logical ordering of commits categorized by the developer at the time of the change. In addition, the name of the branch provides ...
那么.git/config配置文件里将会多一个配置 注意,此时.git/config里还没有branch选项,如果此时你添加了...
Yes, it probably was due to the fact that the default branch name is different between the main repo and any of the additionalRepositories. For now, until this gets deployed, I removed the additionalRepositories section and just git clone them individually in the startup script. ️ 1 ...
Git配置 git config --global user.name "robbin" git config --global user.email "fankai@...
git branch-vv 如果上游分支名称不匹配,请使用以下命令设置正确的上游分支: git branch--set-upstream-to=origin/上游分支名称本地分支名称 如果你想将当前分支推送到远程仓库的特定分支,使用以下命令: git push origin HEAD:远程分支名称 如果你想将当前分支推送到与其同名的远程分支,直接使用以下命令即可: ...
当运行git status,git会将本地分支dev与它正在跟踪的远程分支进行比较(origin/master),因为origin/master没有被改变,它仍然是当前dev分支(和origin/dev)后面的1提交/更改,所以会出现提示。 我们想要做的是改变本地dev分支来跟踪远程dev分支。 解决方法(二选一): ...
当运行git status,git会将本地分支dev与它正在跟踪的远程分支进行比较(origin/master),因为origin/master没有被改变,它仍然是当前dev分支(和origin/dev)后面的1提交/更改,所以会出现提示。 我们想要做的是改变本地dev分支来跟踪远程dev分支。 解决方法(二选一): ...
masterbranch is behind the remoteorigin/masterand actually I need togit pull origin masterbefore doing some work on it locally. (or possibly justgit fetch originYour branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 857 commits. behind Or does it really mean: "The HEAD of the remote master branch is...
【git 使用】【git常见错误处理一】状态不一致:Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits 现象:当查看状态时,或者pull拉取server上的版本时,提示本地commit没有push: 【命令】: # 查看本地状态信息 git status 【报错】: Onbranch masterYourbranchisahead of'origin/master'by2commits.(use"git...