Theoretical or Mathematical/ Mercury (planet)/ origin of Mercuryplanetesimal scatteringsolar activityplanetesimal collisionsrefractory materialssizecomposition/ A9630D MercuryMercury is not only highly refractory, but remarkably small. Both properties may have been affected by planetesimal scattering and ...
It appears that most of the solid matter which originally condensed in Mercury's zone has been removed. The planet's composition may be explained if the removal process was only slightly more effective for silicates than for iron. It is proposed that planetesimal orbits in the inner solar ...
Unlike the solar system, many extra-solar planetary systems have large gas giants like Jupiter orbiting veryclose to their stars, and in some cases these “hot Jupiters" are closer to their star than Mercury is to the sun.That so many gas giants, which form in the outer regions of their...
Theoretical or Mathematical/ Mercury (planet)Moon/ orbital eccentricityMercuryoriginMoondynamic captureEarth/ A9620B Lunar origin, evolution, and age A9630D MercuryA NUMBER of mechanisms for the formation of the Moon have been suggested; fission of the Earth, precipitation in a hot gaseous silicate...
The MVE depletion of the Moon is a key constraint on lunar origin models. In addition, the volatile depletion of the Moon has been used to argue for a process-based link between giant impacts and MVE loss. Indeed, the lunar depletion has been used to propose that Mercury would be ...
Around the north pole are volcanic plains up to 2-3 kilometers thick, forming 6 percent of Mercury’s surface, the lowest part of the planet. The lava appears to have gushed out of vents up to 25 km long. A large, highly reflective area in a deep depression at the pole strongly sugg...
Near-Earth asteroid, Kamo’oalewa (469219), is one of a small number of known quasi-satellites of Earth; it transitions between quasi-satellite and horseshoe orbital states on centennial timescales, maintaining this dynamics over megayears. The similarit
For as long as the terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon and Mars) were accreted from planetesimals containing some carbonates and hydrous minerals, the majority of the materials that form today's terrestrial planet atmospheres and oceans should be inherent. An amount of H2O that is ...
The MUL.APIN then continues to specify that the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Saturn also travel that same path and that concludes the first part of the text. Seventeen constellations appear to be mentioned, though the tails and the swallow are sometimes separated into two constella...
The Interuniversity Attraction Pole (IAP) ‘PLANET TOPERS’ (Planets: Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of their Reservoirs) addresses the fundamental understanding of the thermal and compositional evolution of the different reservoirs of planetary bodies (core, mantle, crust, at...