There are two possible mechanisms for the NQ carbonatite magma interaction with lower crustal materials. During the inter-continental collision, the lower continental crust thickened to 37–82 km58, resulting in transformation of the mafic underplate to eclog- ite. The P-T conditions at the ...
Many authors have suggested that the ophiolitic plagio-granites are the product of differentiation of basaltic magma within the oceanic crust and as such represent the final stages of oceanic crust evolution [9,10]. However, other workers have indicated that oceanic plagio-granites (not necessarily ...
ka BP. Keywords: pumice in sediments; Sr-Nd-Pb isotope; hybrid magma; fractionation crystallization; origin of pumice; middle Okinawa Trough 1. Introduction The subduction zone, as a crucial interface of material exchange between the Earth's crust and mantle, is one of the critical areas for ...
The solutions were weakly mineralized (25 g/L) and had mostly sodium bicarbonate composition, which points to their amagmatogenic (metamorphogenic-hydrothermal) origin. A large part of the pyrite at the Degdekan deposit was selected from the veinlet disseminated ores with gold content from 1.4 ...
Nevertheless, the studied samples are broadly consistent with an alkaline mafic composition of the parent magma. The key parameters for claystones were also investigated using the magma source discrimination 5d.i3a.gProatmentoiaflWEcinoncohmesicteSrigannidficFalnocyedof[t4h2e]R(aFrieguMreeta1l2sBin...