London street names; their origin, signification, and historic value; with divers notes and observations, by F.H. Habben, B.A.F. H. Habben
Source:Surnames of the United Kingdom, A Concise Etymological Dictionary; Henry Harrison; Vol.1 & 2.; The Eaton Press, 190 Ebury Street, London, S.W; 1912. You can and discover things you never knew about your own family. Construct a free family tree to trace your own genealogy and le...
(5)HOWARD ANDREW JONES DIES.Author and editor Howard Andrew Jones died January 16 of cancer. Known forThe Chronicles of Hanuvarseries,The Chronicles of Sword and Sandseries andThe Ring-Sworntrilogy, he has also writtenPathfinder Tales, tie-in fiction novels in the world of the Pathfinder Rol...
On returning to Smithfield the deceased, along with his wife, took up residence in Justin Street, and later in Oxford Street, where they cared for their seven children – four girls and three boys. After the death of his wife 23 years ago he had in turn lived with his daughter at Canbe...
12,000 in the UK (most numerous in London) 5,000 in America (most numerous in New York) 14,000 elsewhere (most numerous in Canada) Durant and Like Surnames These are French-originated names, French Canadian surnames that were brought by French settlers to what was then New France. Many ...
always with Tuscan serifs. Martins carried out her research in several towns in the area, observing the particular work of each sign-maker. It is disturbing to note the coincidence in stylistic preference when it comes to painting the names of the boats, all in this three-dimensional Tuscan ...
Evolution of the Jones name In 1292, 48 percent of Welsh names were patronymics (a name inherited from a father), and in some parishes over 70 percent. Other names were derived from nicknames, (rarely) occupational names, and a few non-hereditary personal names. Patronymic names changed fro...
The polyprotein encoded by the ORF is processed into several protein products by proteases (Diamonds; see Keys for the names of proteases). Based on the functions of mature proteins, the ORF can be divided into four main functional areas (L: turquoise; P1: red; P2: green; and P3: blue...
There is a statue of him in Riverside Park at the corner of 106th Street in Manhattan.From nearby Wurttemberg came George Siegel as a young boy in 1848. He later worked as a shoemaker in Cincinnati, Ohio; while John Siegel, also from Wurttemberg, arrived in 1852 and settled four ...
Hence, when on the 17th of June I found myself down among the copses near Haslemere on the borders of Surrey and Sussex and was told by an old farmer, to whose house I had been recommended by friends in London, that the season of the nightingale was over, I was a good deal disturb...