Geophysical Journal of International, 43 (1975), pp. 163-200 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Foulger, 2005 G.R. Foulger Mantle plumes: why the current skepticism? Chinese Science Bulletin, 50 (2005), pp. 1555-1560 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Foulger, 2010 G.R. Foulger Plates Vs Plum...
Indeed, Gary. N. Horlick and Michael A. Meyer,Rules of Origin from a Policy Perspective, inRules of Origin in International Trade: a Comparative Survey403 (E. Vermulst, P. Waer and J. Bourgeois eds. 1994) have referred to rules of origin as “stepchildren of other discriminatory devices...
Biology of Sex Differences 2022, 13(1):50 REVIEW Open Access Sex at the interface: the origin and impact of sex differences in the developing human placenta Amy E. Braun1* , Olivia R. Mitchel1, Tania L....
Necromonkey’s all-electronic extravaganza Show Me Where It Hertz, and another long-overdue comeback – Dungen’s sunny Allas Sak –as well as guitarist Samuel Hällkvist’s highly original effort Variety of Live, recorded with an international cast including Pat Mastelotto and Richard Barbieri....
Cultivated strawberry emerged from the hybridization of two wild octoploid species, both descendants from the merger of four diploid progenitor species into a single nucleus more than 1 million years ago. Here we report a near-complete chromosome-scale a
International TradeProductivity Commission. 2004b. Rules of origin under the Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Agreement: restrictiveness index for preferential rules of origin. Supplement to Productivity Commission Research Report, Productivity Commission, Melbourne....
The discontinuity of the layer as well as its variable thickness is due to the fact that the original bed has been partially destroyed mainly by dissolution but also by deflation. Saline pond brines (Cl-SO4-Na [-Mg]) are strongly acidic reaching pH values lower than 2. The high ...
UnitedStatescopyrightlawsandinternationaltreatyprovisions.Therefore,youmusttreatthesoftware likeanyothercopyrightedmaterial(e.g.,abookormusicalrecording)exceptthatyoumayeither(a) makeonecopyofthesoftwaresolelyforbackuporarchivalpurposes,or(b)transferthesoftwaretoa singleharddiskprovidedyoukeeptheoriginalsolelyforbackup...
Theories and Typologies of Migration: An Overview and a Primer. In E. Righard (Ed.), Willy Brandt Series of Working Papers in International Migration and Ethnic Relations 3/12 (pp. 1–48). Malmő Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare. Lall, S. V., Selod, H., &...
Part of the book series: The Academy of International Business ((AIB)) 150 Accesses 1 Citations Abstract This chapter is derived from a broader study (Duanmu, 2005) that investigates the process and content of vertical knowledge transfers from multinational enterprises (MNEs) to Chinese supplier...