The precise identity of a tumour’s cell of origin can influence disease prognosis and outcome. Methods to reliably define tumour cell of origin from primary, bulk tumour cell samples has been a challenge. Here we use a well-defined model ofMLL-rearranged acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) to demo...
These observations in a phylogenetic context (Fig.3and Extended Data Figs.3and4) enable us to propose a new hypothesis for the origin of the pectoral girdle. We propose that the pectoral girdle is established on the position of the sixth branchial arch in the jawless ancestor of jawed verteb...
three buccal crests only (lacking postmetacrista), and similar in width to M2; lower incisors small, tri-lobed; c1 with posteriorly extended heel, cingulum well-developed lingually, absent buccally, and small cingular cuspid posteriorly; p4 > p3 > p2; p4 with small but distinct metaconid an...
Although the evolutionary chain is undetermined, there are clear differences in the dental morphology of the superfamilies that indicate change within the order Perissodactyla. Hyracotherium’s upper molars are generally cuspate with a strong hypocone and weak transverse crests interrupted by the para...
low-amplitude primary corrugate lamination, with crests and troughs occasionally stacked to form satellitic, obliquely directed pseudocolumns; bedding surfaces exhibit a preferred direction of elongation of the cones, an orientation that is orthogonal (and unrelated) to the trend of younger folding;...
The d3 is slender and long, constituted by anterior conid, mesolabial conid, and posterolabial conid, all intercon- nected by crests. The anterior stylid is weak. The transverse cristid, posterolingual cristid and posterolingual stylid are short, parallel, and directed towards the postero...
Accordingly, the age of the new specimen is estimated as late Early Eocene so that Pappaceras represents the earliest record of known unequivocal rhinocerotoid genus. Systematic palaeontology Class Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758 Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Superfamily Rhinocerotoidea Gray, 1825 Family ...
processing system, established by specialized dentitions with complex grinding surface13together with cranial kinetics14,15. Social behaviors, expressed by their unique supracranial crests, are also likely to have contributed to the success of the derived hadrosauroids16,17,18. In addition to their ...