- Miro was born in Spain Barcelona Miro, early art influenced by Cezanne deep, after Cubism, surrealism after baptism, developing their own unique style. Duffy as one of Fauvism members at the beginning of the twentieth Century the beginning of the history of modern painting of Raul Duffy, ...
- Miro was born in Spain Barcelona Miro, early art influenced by Cezanne deep, after Cubism, surrealism after baptism, developing their own unique style. Duffy as one of Fauvism members at the beginning of the twentieth Century the beginning of the history of modern painting of Raul Duffy, is...
The early art was deeply influenced by Cezanne. After experiencing the baptism of cubism and surrealism, he developed into his own unique style. Duffy as one of Fauvism members at the beginning of the twentieth Century the beginning of the history of modern painting of Raul Duffy, is a ...