Steam:搜索Steam官网下载客户端,搜索“Battlefield 2042”进入游戏页面即可下载:如需注册Steam账号,按照提示操作即可:Origin:搜索下载Origin客户端,注册账号后登录该平台:注:橘子平台网络堪忧,可以用奇游加速器优化注册流程和保证顺利登入,否则长时间无法登录(加速战地2042即可):奇游支持游戏满速下载:登录战地204...
游戏名称:战地2042 英文名称:Battlefield 2042 游戏类型:第一人称射击类(FPS)游戏 游戏制作:DICE 游...
I unsubscribed from Origin, uninstalled all Battlefield games, and vowed to never come back. Now, with the soon to be released BF2042/Portal, I thought I would give it another try and redownload/install Origin/EA Games apps and subscribe once again. So, with me returning an...
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Origin shutdown & How to update your macOS for the EA app by EA_Leeuw 0 Last Reply: Tuesday EA_Leeuw My Battlefield 2042 - I need to activate it by a key by AjukasLTU 3 Last Reply: January 2023 55979 6 pt
8.Battlefield 2042:一款即将推出的第一人称射击游戏,支持多人联机对战,玩家可以参加各种战斗模式,包括...
Battlefield 2042. Credit: EA Dice Electronic Artsannounced in 2020 that its Origin launcher was undergoing an update and rebrand as the EA app. That has been in development for over two years but has finally come out of open beta, and users will begin to be invited to upgrade. ...
游戏 > 游戏软件 > 主机游戏 > 艺电 > 商品首页 商品Electronic Arts 战地2042 战地6 Battlefield 2042 PC正版中文 Origin平台 标准版 黄金版 终极版 完善信息 暂无报价降价提醒 当前规格: Electronic Arts 战地2042 战地6 Battlefield 2042 PC正版中文 Origin平台 标准版 黄金版 终极版 ...
It's trash for me. Slow to load and games like Battlefield 2042 refuse to download. Origin works well currently. AusWolf said: Why? What difference will it make? None. Even if it works well for you, it just looks different and there's a lot of features missing that Origin has. ...
我的E:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 4\__Installer\punkbuster\redist 里的是这样的 另外就是 我的PnkBstrB 手动打开之后 进游戏就自动没了。 折腾了快一个礼拜了 。求各位大神帮帮忙 +1 227赞 英辑学术科研吧 英辑学术科研 发表一篇SCI所需的硬核软件:排版、绘图、插文献、修稿 发表论文...