Supergenes are sets of genes that are inherited as a single marker and encode complex phenotypes through their joint action. They are identified in an increasing number of organisms, yet their origins and evolution remain enigmatic. In Atlantic cod, four megabase-scale supergenes have been identifi...
genomes DA Kramerov and NS Vassetzky Laboratory of Eukaryotic Genome Evolution, Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Short interspersed elements (SINEs) are one of the two most prolific mobile genomic elements in most of the higher ...
but this is under debate and has rarely been tested outside of mammals. We analyze the evolution of labyrinth morphology and its ecological drivers in living and fossil turtles, an
The Asian swamp eel is, therefore, an excellent model for investigating the process of vertebrate genome evolution, sex determination and differentiation, evolutionary biology, and developmental biology in animals. Repeated sequences are commonly classified into two main classes: site-specific and ...
Further, the evolution of both oviparity and viviparity are difficult to study from a molecular genetic perspective because they have most frequently occurred at deep evolutionary time scales. Common lizards provide an example of recent parity mode changes and therefore a critical insight to usually ...
The coding privilege of end-spectral hues (red and blue) in the early visual cortex has been reported in primates. However, the origin of such bias remains unclear. Here, we provide a complete picture of the end-spectral bias in visual system by measurin
(4) did first life evolve over a long period of time or arise in an improbable flash of chemical emergence? (5) did first life resemble modern life “in outline” or was it fundamentally different and “taken over” by modern forms that evolved from it? (6) did life on Earth begin ...