Three other human Plasmodium species are each genetically indistinguishable from species parasitic to nonhuman primates; that is, for the DNA sequences included in our analysis, the differences between species are not greater than the differences between strains of the human species. The human P. ...
Origin, Development, and Evolution of Primate Muscles, with Notes on Human Ana- tomical Variations and Anomalies. Developmental Approaches to Human Evolution. 2016: 167-204.Diogo, R., & Wood, B. (2016). Origin, development and evolution of pri- mate muscles, with notes on human anatomical ...
primatesculturetraditionapesevolutionClues to the origins of culture may lie in the diversity of behaviour seen in living large-brained creatures with complex cognition. Comparison across apes, monkeys and other species may help us to understand what is unique and universal about human culture and ...
First, we identified MER53-derived miRNAs in known miRNAs and scanned the human genome for their paralogs. Next, the phylogenetic distribution and evolution dynamics of the miR-1302 family were analyzed. Finally, we investigated the functions of the predicted target genes and analyzed the over-...
It has always been expected that dosage compensation (DC) of X/Z gene expression between the sexes (Lyon, 1961), and with the autosomes, was critical for life (Nguyen and Disteche, 2006). Indeed, the imbalance in one sex of X and autosomal genes is fatal to human embryos and ...
Learn about human evolution and primatology, the scientific study of primates. Through the process of evolution, animals have developed their biological features and their cultures based on their surrounding environments. How we live our lives today is a
bathmodon reproduced like a placental and lived at a fast pace for its body size. Assuming that P. bathmodon reflects close placental relatives, our findings suggest that the ability to produce well-developed, precocial young was established early in placental evolution, and that larger neonate ...
Heterosexual Behavior Patterns and the Spread of HIV\\/AIDS: The Interacting Effects of Rate of Partner Change and Sexual Mixing This study evaluates whether the influence of sexual mixing patterns on the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic curve is sensitive to the prevailin... Hertog,Sar...
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences || Primates and the Origin of Culture Genetic and cytogenetic comparison in between man and non-human primates has largely contributed to the knowledge of the evolution of the Order Primates and in particular of man.Since Darwin's first intuition about the close relat...
世纪曙猿 ANCESTOR OF HUMANKIND EOSIMIAS CENTENNICUS 运城所在的晋南,是探寻人类起源与演化的重要地区。1995年中美联合考察队在垣曲盆地发现了距今4000多万年的"世纪曙猿"化石。它是迄今发现最原始的高等灵长类动物化石,填补了低等灵长类动物向高等灵长类动物演化的空缺,改写了包括人类远祖在内的高等灵长类动物起源...