Then tuck the top in, to make the basic dog snout.(If you have a piece of origami paper that is brown on one side and also has a white side, watch the video to see how you can make the snout “turn white”, by only folding up one flap),...
腊肠犬折纸教程Origami Dog by Richard Ojeda Soto 56:46 鬣狗折纸教程Origami Hyena by Lionel Albertino 50:25 金刚折纸教程Origami Gorilla by Red Paper (Wonseon Seo) 52:00 兔子折纸教程OOrigami rabbit by Fernando Castellanos 29:03 金鱼折纸教程Origami fantail goldfish by Ares Alanya 38:08 双...
飞龙折纸教程How To Make a paper Simple Dragon 16:25 狗折纸教程How To Make Origami Dog Easy Step By Step 17:55 猫折纸教程Origami Cat Step By Step 30:37 柴犬折纸教程Origami Shiba Inu 51:27 红衣凤头鸟折纸教程Origami Cardinal Easy Instructions 09:00 美洲驼折纸教程Origami Llama Tutorial...
If you love dogs, you should try folding theorigami barking dog. It's an action origami toy. When you pull on the dog's tail, it "barks". It's very cute! We have a video showing the dog in action so do check it out. It's a bit more challenging to fold than this origami dog...
Learn how to fold an easy origami pug dog or puppy. It's very easy to make one and only takes a minute with these step-by-step instructions.
Learn to make origami animals! Hundreds of free instructions (diagrams) on how to fold mammals, reptiles, birds, insects and more. Instructions A to Z.
动手即动脑 我们希望能通过这个栏目,培养出爱动手,爱思考,也爱英语的手工小达人。主题每2天更新一次。每个主题都是精挑细选,适合3-12岁的小朋友。对于小龄朋友,通过不断的模仿,能熟能生巧;对于大龄小朋友,如果能在视频教学的基础上,有自己的想法和创意,并付诸在作品当中,那就更完美了。也期待大家加鹅妈妈微信...
Find out how to make a traditional origami frog. It hops but doesn't gribbit! Follow our detailed written origami directions as well as step by step picture diagrams to fold this origami frog.
(how to): To begin:Bases Animals:Butterfly|Cat|Crocodile|Dinosaur|Dog|Dragon|Elephant|Fish|Fox|Frog|Giraffe|Horse|Insect|Kangaroo|Mouse|Panda|Penguin|Pig|Pokemon|Rabbit|Snail|Snake|Spider|Turtle|Whale|Other animals Birds:Crane|Duck|Pajarita|Parrot|Peacock|Swan|Other birds ...
46 鲸鱼折纸Tutorial - How To Fold Origami Whale 🐳 (Riosuke Sakurai) 27:46 玫瑰折纸Origami Lalasweet Rose 21:13 一本书折纸Origami How To Fold Book 📖 (Dave Brill) 15:00 情人节爱心折纸Origami Heart ♥️ By Ekaterina Lukasheva|Happy Valentin 03:41 花折纸Origami Frangipani _ Flower By...