MALEINIMID COPOLYMER AS ORIENTIFICATION SYSTEM FOR FLIGHT CRYSTAL DISPLAYSPCT No. PCT/EP93/00740 Sec. 371 Date Nov. 17, 1994 Sec. 102(e) Date Nov. 17, 1994 PCT Filed Mar. 26, 1993 PCT Pub. No. WO93/21556 PCT Pub. Date Oct. 28, 1993Use of a polymer containing maleimide units ...
Găsește imagini cu Orientul Mijlociu ✓ Fără drepturi de autor ✓ Nu necesită atribuire ✓ Imagini la calitate înaltă.
1990. La fievre scarlatiniforme d'Extreme Orient. Med. Mal. Infec. 20:519 -529. .1016/S0399-077X(05)80007-1.Mollaret HH, Carniel E, Guilvout I. 1990. La fievre scarlatiniforme d'Extreme Orient. Med. Mal. Infect. 20:519-529....
VIETINIŲ GEODEZINIŲ TINKLŲ ORIENTAVIMASSummary In towns and villages of Lithuania about 530 local geodetic networks in the form of the 1st and the 2d polygonal traverse series have been constructed. The coordinates of the network points were calculated according to 1963 Coordinate System ...
Settling stage Ostorhinchus doederleini use a time-compensated sun compass to orient towards SSE.Henrik MouritsenJelle AtemaMichael J. KingsfordGabriele Gerlach