【新人向】Ori a..之前跟人说另开个贴介绍一下Blind Forest里各种门的正确打开方式,还好年前没咕首先声明一点,这个贴主要受众群体为刚接触这款游戏的萌新们,防止他们在各种场合卡关而导致心态崩裂,也算是一个攻略贴吧
【新闻】《精灵与森林..2017年E3上,Moon Game Studios放出了Ori and the Blind Forest的续作Ori and the Will of Wisps的宣传片,看来这部万众期待的续作已经离
Ori and th..C盘\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Ori and the Blind Forest DE只能是终极版的里面是存档和几个文件其中KeyRebindings就是来修
Ori and the Blind Forest is a platform game from Moon Studios which sees you play the titular character, accompanied by a spirit named Sein. Together, they must work to help the forest recover from a catastrophe.
“Ori and the Blind Forest” tells the tale of a young orphan destined for heroics, through a visually stunning Action-Platformer crafted by Moon Studios.
级别: 学徒 威望: 1 注册: 11-08-01 财富: 36 徽章: 2017-06-24 14:43 [Steam相关] 奥日与黑暗森林Ori and the Blind Forest进不去游戏,有办法解决吗? 总是弹出GetThreadContext failed,百度一下让关杀毒,360之类的,关闭进程重新开的都没有用,只能退款了吗?有好心人知道怎么解决吗? #1UID:...