The pancreas is located behind the stomach across the abdomen. The 6-inch long organ has its head on the right side of the abdomen, and the narrow end called the tail extends to the left side of body. Its function is to absorb and process essential nutrients, such as proteins, carbs, ...
The spleen is the largest of the lymphoid organs and is located in the upper left of the abdomen behind the stomach. A Guide to the Human Immune System: How It Works and How You Can Keep It Strong (33) When self-reactive B cells develop in bone marrow, they are tolerized before migra...
The body wall forms the cylinder. The two tubes are the ventrally locatedalimentary canal(i.e., the digestive tract) and the dorsally located neural tube (i.e., the spinal cord). Between the tubes lies the rod—the notochord in the embryo, which becomes the vertebral column prior to bir...
Theuterusis locatedposteriorto thebladderandanteriorto therectum. Thecervixis the mostdistalaspect of theuterusand protrudes into the fundus of thevagina. Most of the uterine body andposteriorsupravaginalcervixare covered byperitoneum. Position Theuterusis most commonlyantevertedby 90° andanteflexedby ...
Although humans are capable of living without the spleen, it has a number of important functions in the body. Located in the upper left section of the abdomen, it destroys old red blood cells, cleans the blood and helps to fight infection. It acts as a filter and when blood flows through...
The optic tectum has left and right parts, located on either side of the brain Each part receives input from each eye via the optic chiasma, the point at which the optic nerves from the left and right eye meet. Many of the neurons in the tectum respond to stimulation of the pit organ...
The optic tectum has left and right parts, located on either side of the brain. Each part receives input from each eye via the optic chiasma, the point at which the optic nerves from the left and right eye meet. Many of the neurons in the tectum respond to stimulation of the pit ...
Entire internal organ of the body was found to be represented upside-down position on the Thymus gland located on the manubrium (with the exception of upper & lower extremities) which has 2 lobules and one at each side of the manubrium. Internal organs of right side of the body is ...
Mediastinum, the anatomic region located between the lungs that contains all the principal tissues and organs of the chest except the lungs. It extends from the sternum back to the vertebral column and is bounded by the pericardium and the mediastinal pl
Thekidneyslie in depressions that are located on the underside of thepelvis. Themalpighian bodies, which are the active tubules of thekidney, are very small in comparison with those of mammals, ranging from 90 to 400 per cubic mm. More than 60 percent of the waste nitrogen is excreted asur...