We do not usually suggest giving people money, since a lot of folks experiencing homelessness may also rely on an illegal substance and may be tempted to spend it on that instead. People can also volunteer with our partner organizations, or even become involved with the department," he said...
formerly homeless individuals living with HIV/AIDS immigrantsWe serve everyone. Catholic Charities creates lasting, data-driven solutions to some of the most pressing challenges in our community – homelessness, aging in isolation, generational poverty, HIV/AIDS, inequality, and immigration to name a ...
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights: Co-founded by the revolutionary communist Van Jones, this anti-poverty organization claims that “decades of disinvestment in our cities” — compounded by “excessive, racist policing and over-incarceration” — have “led to despair and homeles...
But I believe that social workers are particularly heroic because we're on the front line of all of the social problems that exist in our nation.We work with gangs, the terminally ill, children who are battered and abandoned by parents and caretakers, the homeless, the mentally ill, ...
We are not victims. We’ve ignored the Cassandras and their warning signals. We’ve pushed the natural world to a state of dry tinder and its inhabitants to homelessness, starvation and flea markets. There is a natural cycle to things, a cause and effect. ...
Below, we present our thematic analysis of interviewees’ answers to a subset of questions that highlight the efforts of organizational staff to deal with the immediate and longer-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their clients: (1) What have been the effects, if any, of the COVID...
sexuality, experiences of incarceration or homelessness, and so on. A commitment to radical human dignity within an organization creates the conditions under which collaborative trust can be built and the work can get done. A few ways that this gets expressed within an organization might include:...
For them, the spiritual is entangled with the socio-economic and political, so they need to deal with life holistically. In the same way that the Old Testament prophets condemned not only religious prostitution but also social and political institutions, so do they. They mention prophets like ...