The ocean and itscoral reefsprovide natural breakwaters to buffer and protect our shorelines. The reef’s rough surfaces and complex structures dissipate the force of incoming waves, helping prevent flooding, erosion, property damage and loss of life. Because of the impact the oceans have on ever...
Those of us who have been paying attention and understand the threats and troubles that are coming to almost everyone in the U.S. (and to the health of our air, water, lands, ecosystems, and climate) will be among those who are most ready and equipped from the outset to try to reduce...
Knowing what's going on in the soil is key to improving things above the ground. Thanks to the scalable EOSDA solution, your NGO can keep tabs on surface- and root-level soil moisture, helping farmer communities reach agricultural and environmental goals. Stay updated on drought trends and fl...
Currently, it’s working on a capacity of 70.000 tonnes in partnership with big chemical companies, helping them move closer to their goals of sustainability. BlueAlp considers it a part of its mission to disseminate this technology globally by licensing it to third parties, demonstrating that ...
The above listed discussion on SCP strategies i) described different (proactive and defensive) consumer-oriented strategies, ii) described various roles that strategic intermediaries can employ when helping companies engage with consumers, and iii) presented a number of specific frames on citizen-consumer...
including using infrared measurements to detect thermal radiation near smokestacks and cooling water intakes, and visual sensors to record the presence of smoke. The company will also be able to measure pollution levels in places where governments or corporations cannot afford to do so....
“Nature is going to win. Nobody wins with water. Think about the Grand Canyon.” Jeff Goodell In 1917, the year before his death in the flu pandemic, Moreland wrote a second book,The Texas Women’s Hall of Fame, dedicated to the women of Texas for whom “social caste has no place...
The fourth industrial revolution and frequent changes in industries have created several environmental issues, such as air and water pollution, which firms are now interested in handling and controlling. The WCED defines sustainability as “development that meets the present needs without compromising the...
Air, noise and water pollution Small-scale mining uses mercury to amalgamate gold. The amalgam gives the gold a grayish color, which is removed through heating. However, the heat treatment process releases gases that are dangerous to human health. Dynamite is used at all three sites when pits...
When completed, these projects will provide a total of nearly 1.9 million gallons of stormwater detention capacity. These projects will incorporate a wide variety of green infrastructure (GI) types designed to manage water where it falls thereby helping to reduce the likelihood of sewer overflows an...