Organizational structures determine the culture and internal workings of an organization. These structures determine the role of each individual, their reporting and relationship with other employees, and the organization’s overall communication. The organizational structure is fundamental, depending on the...
An organizational structure is either centralized or decentralized. Organizations have traditionally been structured with centralized leadership and a defined chain of command. The military is an organization famous for its highly centralized structure with a long and specific hierarchy of superiors and subo...
cost-efficient organizational structure, within an existing institution, led by a director who will manage a small core team of professional and administrative staff, as required, to be appointed by and responsible to the host organization’s governance structure in order to meet its responsibilities...
organizational structure organization structureorganizational structure organization structure 组织结构组织结构 重点词汇 organizational structure组织结构;组织架构;组织机构;项目组织结构 organization structure组织结构©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
An organic organizational structure is a flat organization that allows for horizontal communications and interactions and is more suited to creative businesses. This type of organizational structure is decentralized, giving employees at all levels a chance to participate in business-related decision making...
Organizations are a variant of clustered entities. An organization can be structured in many different ways, depending on their objectives. The structure of an organization will determine the modes in which it operates and performs.Organizational structure allows the expressed allocation of ...
aAn organizational structure includes lines of responsibility within the organization. Responsibility is assigned to managers who are then held accountable for their actions in planning and utilizing company resources 组织结构在组织之内包括责任线。 责任被分配到在计划和运用公司资源然后被拿着对他们的行动负有...
structure 结构 Managing Director 管理总监 executives 主管、行政人员、a.执行的 personnel 人事部 training 培训 rationalization 合理化 region 地区 split 裂开、分 matrix 矩阵 section 部分、部门 subsidiary 附属的、子公司 A. ffiliate v.隶属于、n.子公司 B. 组织架构中用来描述上下级关系的词组 C. The co...
The structure of an organization or a team refers to its organizing framework or how its various parts fit together and are expected to function. The structure of an organization creates the foundation for the system in which its teams and work groups are embedded. A team's structure creates ...