ORGANIZATION AND LIFEFirst page of articledoi:10.1111/j.1758-6631.1919.tb01596.xROBERT E. SPEERJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdInternational Review of Mission
(1981). Surface pattern differentiation of the epithelial cells of the human uterine ectocervix. SEM Symposium, 14, (III), 37 Hafez, E. S. E. and Kanagawa, H. (1972a). Ciliated epithelium in the uterine cervix of the macaque and rabbit.J. Reprod. Fertil, 28, 91 CrossRef Hafez,...
Mobilising as well as managing: the purpose of life is not to make history, but to live it – and so with records. ■ Changing the default from closed to open: some jurisdictions – and others such as the World Bank – are making this move with structured datasets, publishing them by ...
Cities, Productivity, and Quality of Life. Science 333, 592–594 (2011). 6. Makse, H. A., Havlin, S. & Stanley, H. E. Modelling urban growth patterns. Nature 377, 608–612 (1995). 7. Bettencourt, L. M. A., Lobo, J., Helbing, D., Kuehnert, C. & West, G. B. Growth,...
Between lines 16 and 22, Fer elaborates on her answer by providing examples from her own life, receiving embodied displays of listenership from T. Fer's explanation of the concept ‘filtering’ is followed by half a second of silence. According to Schegloff, Jefferson, and Sacks (1977) afte...
In order to evaluate the evolutionary relatedness of LU family proteins, we generated a phylogram by multiple sequence alignment of their amino acid sequences using web-based Clustal-Omega software, and visualized it with web-based software from Interactive Tree of Life (Fig. 2) [106–108]. ...
27 ISO 16000-32-2014 2014-07-15 English Indoor air - Part 32: Investigation of buildings for the occurrence of pollutants - First Edition 28 ISO 6974-5-2014 2014-07-15 English Natural gas - Determination of composition and associated uncertainty by gas chromatography - Part 5: Isothermal meth...
Cultures were transfected using Lipofectamine LTX (Life Technologies), and imaged 24 h after transfection. Live imaging. COS7 cells were imaged using a Nikon TiE inverted fluorescence microscope, outfit- ted with a spinning disk confocal scan head (Yokogawa), 100 × 1.49 N.A. ...
Furthermore, the notion of working life as the main arena for constructing male identity and mastery — and particularly the aspi...Collapsing the boundaries? fatherhood, organization and home-working - Halford - 2006