Population biology and evolution of clonal organisms : edited by Jeremy B. C. Jackson, Leo W. Buss and Robert E. Cook, Yale University Press, 1986. 60.00 hbk, 27.50 pkb (xi + 530 pages) ISBN 0 300 03650 7doi:10.1016/0169-5347(87)90103-0Stephen...
Organisms and Population Photosynthesis Plant Growth and Development Plant Kingdom Plant Physiology Principles and Processes Principles of Inheritance and Variation Reproduction Reproduction in Animals Reproduction in Flowering Plants Reproduction in Organisms Reproductive Health Respiration Structural Organisation in ...
Biologists distinguish between two main types of populations: unstructured and structured. In an unstructured population, all individuals are subject to the same general ecological pressures. That is, the rates of growth, reproduction, and mortality are roughly the same for all individuals in the popu...
Phenotypes on-demand generated by controlling activation and accumulation of proteins of interest are invaluable tools to analyse and engineer biological processes. While temperature-sensitive alleles are frequently used as conditional mutants in microor
Cell densities are determined from a previously taken Lugol-fixed aliquot of the concentrate. In both cases the sample contains a multi-species plankton population. It is important to pre-filter the sample through 77–100 µm meshes to eliminate larger heterotrophic dinoflagellates and ...
This review is by no means an exhaustive summary of all the possible bacteria that can be cultured from human eyes, but it illustrates the variety of species that have been isolated from a population at a single institute over a specific period of time. The phrase “ocular infections” ...
personal interpretation and experiences of the general monitoring network of the Flanders Environment Agency. Further investigation using data on population density, area of industrial surfaces and emission indices could be used to investigate the relationship between accumulated concentrations in biota and ...
Population problems in the biology of unicellular organisms. London, Paris, New York, Melbourne: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1989. 77 pp., 13 fig., $. 18.00, ISBN 3‐7186‐4975‐6doi:10.1002/abio.370120109K.SattlerWileyActa Biotechnologica...
Population problems in the biology of unicellular organisms. London, Paris, New York, Melbourne: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1989. 77 pp., 13 fig., $. 18.00, ISBN 3-7186-4975-6K. SattlerJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Acta Biotechnologica
, 1977 . The influence of sessile organisms on the population biology of three species of acmaeid limpets . Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 26 : 1 – 26 .Choat, JH (1977) The influence of sessile organisms on the population biology of three species of acmaeid limpets...