Prévoir le risque dans les populations de patients et découvrir les facteurs qui influent sur le coût par personne tout en préservant la sécurité des données cliniques. Explorer Oracle Analytics Cloud Améliorer l'accueil et l'expérience client de vos membres Intégrer facilement les ...
Populations of organisms evolve in response to changing environments; bodies and minds depend on a wide array of circumstances for their development; cultures create complex relationships with the natural world even as they alter it irrevocably. The chapters in this volume share a commitment to unrave...
Models predictingcarrying capacity contrast the filtration rates of bivalve populations with factors that controlphytoplankton supply rate (Grant et al. 1993; Heral 1993; Prins et al. 1998; Smaal et al. 1998). This objective is concordant with the objective of understanding how a "natural bivalve...
Robust and reproducible animal embryonic development requires the coordination of a large number of cells. Yet, single-cell processes are inherently noisy and can lead to significant variations and heterogeneity within a priori homogeneous cell populations1–3. Recent advances in the quantitative live ...
Drosophila is easy and inexpensive to maintain in the laboratory; it can give rise to a large number of genetically identical progeny; and it has a short generation cycle of o2 weeks. This has made the fly a prime organism to perform forward genetic screens, where large populations of ...
organisms,frombacteriaandsingle-celledprotiststofishandsquid. Someespeciallyinterestingexamplesare: Bioluminescentmilkyseaswherehugepopulationsofbacteriagivetheoceanan eerieglow.[Includesalinktooriginalpaper.] Asquidwhichchangesthecolorofitsluminescencetomatchmoonlightand sunlight. Asiphonophorewhichusesredlighttolure...
Intermittent Preventive Treatment (IPT) for vulnerable populations such as pregnant women and infants) and the prompt diagnosis and treatment of confirmed cases with appropriate anti-malaria drugs. While these have undoubtedly contributed to the progress in reducing case incidence and mortality rates [1...
which integrates a nested PCR step after transcriptome simultaneous measurement of clonal history and cell identity at conversion to cDNA into the sorting and robot-assisted transcriptome single-cell resolution, which has been a major challenge. Clonal sequencing (SORT-seq) protocol18 (Fig. 1d). Bec...
Prévoir le risque dans les populations de patients et découvrir les facteurs qui influent sur le coût par personne tout en préservant la sécurité des données cliniques. Explorer Oracle Analytics Cloud Améliorer l'accueil et l'expérience client de vos membres Intégrer facilement les ...
In biological control, populations of both the biological control agent and the pest have the potential to evolve and even to coevolve. This feature marks the most powerful and unpredictable aspect of biological control strategies. In particular, evolutionary change in host specificity of the ...