1. A method of generating a series of diagrammatic models and visual displays thereof for use within an organisational architecture framework, said method comprising the steps of identifying a set of specific elements contextual to the organization or methodology that are required for the architecture ...
In general, interventions were grounded and guided by models and frameworks, and focused on specific subpopulations, or priority groups at increased risk of poorer outcomes. Interventions mixed multiple integrated components. Delivery arrangements targeted more frequently clinical integration (n = 13), ...
systems following crises, the classic inhibiting factors for change, such as historical patterns of funding, no longer prevail, and so open up new opportunities to leave behind the negative and inefficient aspects of old systems in order to move toward more efficient mental health system models. ...
international reporting;theimplementation of a new internal Data Quality Monitoring Framework;andtheregular review and refinementof surveyinstruments and indicator frameworks. unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org 为此需要实施众多的行动, 如:与各国统计专业人员密切合作,编制“数据计划”,以便利提交国际报告;采用...
When leaders are open, honest and listening to the organisation, they are more able to treat everyone fairly and provide opportunities for growth. Strong relationships built on trust are imperative for an organisation changing its culture. Employees must be able to use new frameworks under the ...
[...]different stages of the railway planning process, including provision of public transport planning inputs; setting up and maintaining public transport planning models to facilitate assessment of the impact of committed new projects on other public transport modes; to formulatere-organisationplans ...
ruptive behaviour undermining the delivery of instruction (Brophy 1983; Szivák2007). Learning organisation, in this narrow sense, refers primarily to the creationand maintenance of behavioural frameworks for learning. This chapter under-stands learning organisation as the organisation and facilitation of...
aThe scope of spatial planning activity includes issues of governance, corporate organisation, policy integration, statutory and regulatory frameworks, and technical analysis and design. The nature of its potential contribution to achieving low-carbon built environments will vary according to the resolution...
(2009). Systems modeling in learning and instruction: A theoretical perspective. In P. Blumschein, W. Hung, D. Jonassen, & J. Strobel (Hrsg.), Model-Based Approaches to Learning: Using Systems Models and Simulations to Improve Understanding and Problem Solving in Complex Domains (S. 3–15...
Repetitive requirements: Social and technical frameworks in dispensing Using the pharmacies’ descriptive characteristics, we analysed the social and technical elements that typified dispensing through their repetitive or recurring use in dispensing processes. This included types of technical tools used, techni...