“organic growth” 和“inorganic growth” 是企业的两种增长模式。 Organic growth Organic growth译为“有机增长”或“内生性增长”,指的是公司依托现有资源和业务,通过提高产品质量、销量与服务水平,拓展客户以及扩大市场份额,推进创新与提高生产效率等途径,而获得的销售收入及利润的自然增长。 其英文释义如下“Organ...
organic inorganic growth organic growth inorganic growth strategy ansoff matrix business Alliances Mergers & Acquisitions Sony Cisco Systems M&A Product Safety GRIN Publishing GmbH Quote paper Tim Meierkord (Author), 2016, Analysis of growth strategies. Organic vs. inorganic growth, Munich, GRIN Verlag...
区分一下中密的Organic growth和inorganic growth(倒也不是说前者就一定比后者好), 这些年,并购其实是中密很重要的一种发展策略,2016年收购优泰科,2018年收购大连华阳,2021年收购新地佩尔,2022年收购德国Krüger & SohnGmbH 2023年优泰科、大连华阳和新地佩尔这三家子公司的合计收入4.48亿元,净利润0.69亿元,分别占合并...
vs有机无机有机无机有机与无机无机生长有机生长和无机 系统标签: organicgrowthinorganic无机unutilacquisitions 67ORGANICVS.INORGANICGROWTHOOOOOrganicGrowthistherateofabusinessexpansionthroughacompany’sownbusinessactivity,whileInorganicGrowthmeansthatthecompanyhasgrownbymerger,acquisitionsortakeovers.Whenacompanywithhelpof...
This post is part of a series sponsored by InsurBanc. With interest rates on the rise, now is the time to reexamine your growth strategy ― organic vs.
Inorganic growth与organic growth译为“无机增长”,指的是企业通过人为干预而取得的增长,企业通过大规模的并购、广告促销、大幅降价、降低首付款、非理性以旧换新、终身免费服务、延长质保期和牺牲后市场等手段来增加销量。其英文释义如下“Inorganic growth arises from mergers or takeovers rather than an increase in...
Organic vs. Inorganic Growth in Business. When you start a small business, you must focus on growing your customer base, reinvesting profits in new assets for greater income, and improving productivity to increase your bottom line. All of these efforts a
issues in the context of the Indian IT Sector.After reviewing the theoretical background pertaining to both Organic and Inorganic (Mergers and Acquisitions) growth, discussing some of the pros and cons of both methods I try to find out, which is in fact, a better business strategy to pursue...
Organic growth stands in contrast to inorganic growth, which is external growth, such as through mergers and acquisitions. Investopedia / Theresa Chiechi Understanding Organic Growth An organic growth strategy seeks to maximize growth from within. There are many ways in which a company can increase ...
反之就是 inorganic growth 了。