Age, tofu, shoyu and other soy products are available here in the United States, have been for many, many years. MSG seems to have a bad reputation here in the USofA, but in the Orient it has been used for ages. As you may or may not know, Orientals are known for their academic...
tT. oTofufrutrhtehresruspuppoprot rtthtehMe MTTTTasasassya, yw, we epepreforfromremdead laivleiv/dee/addeaadssayssatoy to visvuisaulaizliezethtehelivlieveananddddeeaaddcceelllssaafftteerr ccell and hyyddrrooggeelliinntteerraacctitoionnfofor r2424h.h. FisFgiiuggnrueirfei6c.6a(.nA(tA)...