Let’s look at a reaction map for ketones (not comprehensive) If you look at all these reactions – forward and backward – you can link functional groups to each other through these types of reactions. You can build reaction maps for other functional groups. Here’s one for secondary alcoh...
Organic Chemistry Reaction Map This graphic looks at simple interconversions between common functional groups in organic chemistry. I’m not going to pretend it’s comprehensive, because it certainly isn’t, being primarily aimed at A Level students; to the best of my knowledge, all of the info...
Reaction pathway overview for alkene and alkyne reactions including radicals, alcohols, carbonyls, epoxides and grignards. If you find this helpful please click the share buttons above
Atom-to-atom mapping (AAM) is a task of identifying the position of each atom in the molecules before and after a chemical reaction, which is important for understanding the reaction mechanism. As more machine learning (ML) models were developed for retrosynthesis and reaction outcome prediction ...
Chen L, Gasteiger J (1997) Knowledge discovery in reac- tion databases: landscaping organic reactions by a self- organizing map. J Am Chem Soc 119:4033-4042Chen LR, Gasteiger J: Knowledge discovery in reaction databases: Landscaping organic reactions by a self-organizing neural network. J Am ...
68. The near universal presence of large quantities of highly aliphatic CRAM in DOM is difficult to explain by incremental pathways of common microbial or photochemical reactions. ODA fundamentally generates structural complexity of DOM molecules in a few-step cascade reaction (Fig.2e, Extended Data ...
We report here studies of the reaction of NO3 with alpha-pinene at 1 atm in dry synthetic air (relative humidity approximately 3%) and at 298 K using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (APCI-MS) to identify gaseous and particulate products. The emphasis ...
每一章除主要内容外还包括以下几个单元: ChemicalHighlight:与本章节内容相关的扩展资料 ChapterIntegrationProblem:本章综合例题及解答 NewReaction:本章新涉及的化学反应 ReactionSummaryRoadMap:化学反应总结而成的路径图 ImportantConcepts:重要概念总结 Problem:本章习题 ChemicalHighlight ChemicalHighlight 1有机分子的...
On the microscale, it is well-known that droplet drying and reaction can lead to non-uniformities in composition and this technique is ideally placed to probe heterogeneities in viscosity16,69. Predictive models A range of models is available to predict the viscosity of pure components70 and ...
(Fig.5). These could include formation of an aromatic radiolysis product by means of a mineral-mediated alteration reaction30,31,40,41. The paucity of fluorescence detections and near absence of group 3 detections in Séítah suggest that there was different synthesis or deposition in this ...