The Investigations were carried out on evaluation of organic and inorganic pesticides for the management of insect pests of chilli (van Rudra) was conducted during summer 2013 at Sabbenahalli, Mudigere taluka of Chikmagalur district, Karnataka, India.Among the different treatments, two sprays of ...
Organic foods refer to agricultural products that are grown and processed without the use of fertilizers, growth regulators, livestock feeds, pesticides, additives, bio-engineered genes (GMOs). Organic farming is controlled by regulations which differ from country to country. The main concept of orga...
Various pollutants including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), natural organic matter (NOM) commonly known as dissolved organic matter (DOM), nutrient ions (phosphate and nitrate) personal care products, pharmaceuticals products, petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, dyes and heavy metal ions etc. are re...
SOM encompasses the totality of organic material (living and nonliving) present in soils, including thus, livingmicroorganismsand undecayed residues. In cultivated soil, synthetic or natural organic compounds may also be introduced in the soil (sewages, pesticides, etc.).The terms SOM and humus ha...
A Study of Synthetic vs. Organic Pesticides [E] Determine if adding compost from native trees will improve the growth of vegetation. [E] Determine the effect of organic fertilizer and natural farming soils (clay soil and sandy loam) on corn plants. [E] Are Organic and Nonorganic Store...
eOd3−arosrenAiscIIIs]paerceietshe[mpreetdhoymlarinsoannitcspaceicdie; sMinAVwaatnedr dimethylarsinic acid; DMAV] may also be present due to microbial action10–13 or due to past uses of methylated As compounds (sodium salt of MAV and DMAV or cacodylic acid) as pesticides and ...
Throughout the 20th Century, and particularly from the 1950s to the '70s, many of the established wine regions (notably but not exclusively in France) placed great reliance on chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and insecticides. While such usage has moderated across the industry over subs...
The antimicrobial profile of the DfSEC isolates from the conventional dairy farms where a significant amount of antimicrobials herbicides, pesticides, and inorganic nitrogen-based fertilizers are frequently used indicated a higher percentage of resistant DfSEC isolates compared to isolates from the organic...
FC – field crop, OR – orchard, NC – non-cultivated, SIC – soil inorganic C (%), CEC – cation-exchange capacity, EC - electrical conductivity. Values in parentheses indicate one standard error. Climatic regionSiteCEC (meq100g−1 soil)Clay (%)Silt (%)Sand (%)SIC (%)EC1 (ds/...
Chemical signature of airborne particulates and deposition dusts is subject of study since decades. Usually, three complementary composition markers are in