Fall Armyworm Flea Beetles Fleas (Larvae, Pupae) Fly Maggots Fruit Flies Fungus Gnats Gall Midge Grape Root Borer Grasshoppers Greater Wax Moth Grubs Humpbacked (Phorid) Flies Indian Meal Moth Iris Borer Japanese Beetle Lacebugs Large Pine Weevil ...
ControlOption RecommendedProduct GrubStage AdultBeetles BeneficialNematodes NemaSeek Hb X NemAttack Sr X Neem&Azadirachtin Monterey 70% Neem X BONIDE Neem Oil X AzaGuard X X Molt-X X Neemix 4.5 X Beauveriabassiana BotaniGard 22WP X X BioCeres X X BotaniGard Maxx X X MilkySpore Milky Sp...
Cockroach Control: Sanitation and Exclusion Use traps to monitor for their presence. Place traps in several locations, and move them frequently. Place them where they will enter while foraging. Good locations are behind the stove or refrigerator, and in a cabinet containing food. ...
Protect your garden and plants with MET Zone granular insecticide. Get rid of pesky grubs, cutworm, wireworm, ticks naturally and organically. Check More!
are roughly 97,000 species identified worldwide with many being pests of agricultural crops and landscaping plants such as nuts, alfalfa, grains, root crops and certain succulents. Adults "notch" leaves while the immature grub stage remains soil-bound feeding on roots or boring into plant tissue...
5-Step Aphid Control: 1.) Trap & Monitor Yellow Sticky Trapswork well for outdoor and potted plants where localized monitoring is desired. Ribbon Trapsare best for row crops and greenhouse settings. They save time and energy while giving thorough coverage. ...
of spider mites in theTetranychusgenus including the Pacific Spider Mite, Two-Spotted Spider Mite and Strawberry Spider Mite. Some species are more easily identified than others; however, it is generally unnecessary to do so as their biology, damage, and control measures are similar or the same...
Industry-leading Grub Control! NemaSeek Beneficial Nematodes, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, actively seek out soil dwelling pests - grubs, queen ants, root aphids, fleas, ticks and weevils. These naturally occurring, live organisms are adapted to parasi
Pest Control Solutions Control By Pest Adelgids Ant Control Aphids Apple Maggots Artichoke Plume Moth Armyworm Beetle & Grub Control Black Fly Borers Broad Mites & Cyclamen Mites Budworms and Bollworms Cabbage Worms Chiggers Chinch Bugs Cockroaches Codling Moth Crickets Cut...
compost pile at home by using organic materials found around your yard and from your kitchen. You can also buy finished compost from a local garden center or soil company, which will carry a range of different mixes such as all-purpose compost, mushroom compost, manure compost, and worm ...