Organic growth译为“有机增长”或“内生性增长”,指的是公司依托现有资源和业务,通过提高产品质量、销量与服务水平,拓展客户以及扩大市场份额,推进创新与提高生产效率等途径,而获得的销售收入及利润的自然增长。 其英文释义如下“Organic growth is the growth a company achieves by increasing output and enhancing s...
Organic growth译为“有机增长”或“内生性增长”,指的是公司依托现有资源和业务,通过提高产品质量、销量与服务水平,拓展客户以及扩大市场份额,推进创新与提高生产效率等途径,而获得的销售收入及利润的自然增长。 其英文释义如下“Organic growth is the growth a company achieves by increasing output and enhancing s...
Organic Growth vs. Inorganic Growth Inorganic growth, by comparison, is accomplished by using resources or growth opportunities outside of a company’s own means. It includes things such as taking loans and entering intomergers and acquisitions. Inorganic growth almost always relies on securing outsi...
Organic growth allows for business owners to maintain control of their company whereas a merger or acquisition would dilute or strip away their control. On the other hand, organic growth takes longer, as it is a slower process to acquire new customers and expand business with existing customers....
Organic growthis generally too slow to turn companies into winners. 通常,按部就班的增长很难让企业成为胜利者. 互联网 The company's long - term goal isorganic growthof 4 - 6 % a year. 公司的 长期 目标是有机增长每年 4-6%. 互联网 ...
Dan Adams
The meaning of ORGANIC is of, relating to, yielding, or involving the use of food produced with the use of feed or fertilizer of plant or animal origin without employment of chemically formulated fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics, or pesticides
Organic GrowthThe most desirable kind of growth for any company is revenue growth that arises organically from market conditions as opposed to growth in response to active investment initiatives. The investment involved is minimal. Additional capital consists chiefly of net working capital, largely ...
What is organic growth exactly? Organic growth is achieved when a company looks internally to drive revenue, rather than relying on additional financial resources. It is the essence of the cliche phrase “Do more with less,” but I recommend you think of it as “Do more with what you have...
OK… the title of this blog is a bit misleading. Most companies don’t need to learn how to waste millions of dollars. They already know how. In fact they are already doing it. The average Fortune 500 company squanders at least half of the tens-to-hundreds of millions of dollars that...