N. (2003). Growth and fruit quality of ‘Braeburn’ apple ( Malus domestica ) trees as influenced by fungicide programmes suitable for organic production. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science , 31 , 169–177.PALMER, J.W.; DAVIES, S.B.; SHAW, P.W.; WUNSCHE, J.N. ...
I have two other fig trees but they are true Mediterranean babies. They have to have hot days and warm nights and a lot of both to set fruit. In the 22 years they have been in my backyard garden, they have only produced edible figs 3 times! I love these fig trees for the cover t...
Other steps I have added to my normal orchid care include regular use of the best fungicide for orchids. I make it a point to apply this on my orchids as a preventive measure. Due to this, it has kept my orchids free from fungal attacks, which in turn has kept them healthy and stron...
Fruit Trees(Apple,Pear,Peach,Lemons..) 7~13Kg/acre Citus 10~15Kg/acre Pistachio 10~15Kg/acre Vegetables 7~10Kg/acre Grapes 7~10Kg/acre Omamentals,Flowers 7~13Kg/acre Product Description EDDHA Fe6 Chemical name: Ethylenediamine-N, N'-bis (2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid) Ferric sodium com...
Datasets from 67 banana farms in Ecuador, where aerial fungicide spraying leads to a heavy drift problem, were subjected to statistical analysis. A linear discriminant function including four variables was identified for distinguishing under these conditions application from drift, with an accuracy of ...
Plant diseases controlled with Bordeaux mixture and copper fungicide solutions: Fire Blight Potato Blight Black Spot Peach Leaf Curl Shot Hole Apple Scab Downy Mildew Powdery Mildew Peacock Spot Anthracnose Late Blight Rust Walnut Blight For new and intermediate gardeners, I highly recommend that you ...
The biostimulant system did not successfully manage apple scab and rust diseases as well as the sulfur-based fungicide systems, and had variable results with other diseases. No differences were observed among the three systems in tree growth parameters; however, the length of the study may not ...
The biostimulant system did not successfully manage apple scab and rust diseases as well as the sulfur-based fungicide systems, and had variable results with other diseases. No differences were observed among the three systems in tree growth parameters; however, the length of the study may not ...
The present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of bioformulations based on endophytic fungi to control apple scab and Valsa canker disease in two orchards in the Aurès region (Algeria). In both orchards, the results showed that the treatment of senescent apple leaves by invert emulsions ...
inhibiting (SI) fungicide recently registered for use on grapes and other fruit. It belongs to FRAC Group 3, along with myclobutanil (Rally), tebuconazole (Elite, Tebuzol, Orius), and fenarimol (Vintage, formerly Rubigan). In this study, this fungicide was used at a concentration of 1 ...