有机冻干草莓 | 绿家自产 * Organic freeze-dried strawberries | Self-production ¥18 有机西红柿(沙瓤) | 绿家自产*Organic tomato | In-House Production ¥54 有机即食冻干桑葚 organical freeze-dried dried mulberry ¥29.9 有机冻干混合浆果脆| 绿家自产 Organic freeze dried fruit chips | ...
Strawberries contain high vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, and strawberries contain many active substances, which can cool and quench thirst, strengthen the stomach and eliminate food. Xi'an Haoze is freeze-dried strawberry powder, and its ...
有机冻干混合浆果脆Organic freeze dried fruit&vegetable chips规格:30g配料:有机草莓、有机桑葚、有机蓝莓生产方式:原料按有机方式种植,不使用化学农药、化肥、除草剂、生长调节剂等化学投入品。切片后冻干,不使用护色剂、抗氧化剂、防腐剂等添加剂。食用方式:开袋即食贮存条件:避光、密封,冷藏保存保 质期:9个月...
有机冻干草莓 | 绿家自产 * Organic freeze-dried strawberries | Self-production ¥18 生态洗碗液| 公平贸易*Eco dishwashing liquid | Fair Trade Items ¥40 有机番茄罐头 Organic canned Tomato 规格:280g/罐 产品类型:果蔬罐头 配...
We not only provide strawberry powder, but also strawberry granules, freeze-dried strawberry powder, freeze-dried strawberry fruit granules, etc. >Click here to get more information Specification Product Name Strawberry powder Type Food Grade Applicat...
有机冻干草莓 | 绿家自产 * Organic freeze-dried strawberries | Self-production ¥18 生态小麻鸡鸡拆件(母鸡) | 绿家自产* Eco-Chicken | Self-production ¥12 方野·盐水鸡肝| 绿家自产 *FarmYeah Salted chicken liver| In-House Production ...
有机冻干草莓 | 绿家自产 * Organic freeze-dried strawberries | Self-production ¥18 生态薄脆饼 | 合作生产* Ecological Pancake | Coproduction ¥22.5 有机冬月吊干枣(红枣)| 合作生产*Organic winter moon hanging dried dates| Partner Production ¥22 生态蛋卷(减糖20%) | 合作生产 * Ecolo...
生态冻干草莓 | 只有草莓 整颗草莓 酸甜脆爽 | 合作生产 * Ecological freeze-dried strawberries ¥45 生态金杏干 | 买五包赠一包| 合作生产 | 基地直发包邮* Ecological dried apricot ¥59 多然燕麦蛋白棒 | 0蔗糖0添加非油炸 | 公平贸易*Duoran oat protein stick ...
Discover Coco Fro’s organic freeze-dried vegan ice cream scoops, crafted with plant-based ingredients for a creamy, crunchy, and tummy-friendly treat. Perfect for on-the-go, school lunches, or a cosmic dessert experience!
Whole RolledOats* (64%), Sunflower Oil*, Beet Sugar*, Rice Syrup*, Extruded Rice* (Rice Flour*, MaltedBarleyFlour*, Sea Salt), Berry Mix Freeze Dried* (3%) (Raspberries*, Blueberries*, Strawberries*), Sea Salt, *= Certified Organic Ingredient ...