Chemistry Tutor NowChem Tutor Now will guide you through any Organic Chemistry, General Chemistry, AP Chemistry, or Biochemistry module. Chem Tutor Now guarantees you detailed explanations, unique learning strategies, and effective methodology, enabling you to grasp any concept in chemistry quickly, ...
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10. Addition Reactions When you react a double bond with potassium permanganate (KMnO4), your first thought may be to make syn-diols, as seen in previous videos. However, looking at thetemperatureis extremely important. Inheat, KMnO4will actually cleave the double bond, rather than add dio...
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Created using AI Carboxylic acids can be transformed into various derivatives, includingacid chlorides,amides, and nitriles. Acid chlorides, the most reactive acyl compounds, are typically synthesized using reagents like SOCl2, PCl3, or PCl5. To form amides, carboxylic acids r...
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Organic Chemistry Online Tutor - Dr.R.Ramajayam is one of the best Organic chemistry experts. Master in Organic Chemistry tutor through online and home tuitions. Study guides, a reaction encyclopedia, practice problems, tutoring & more.Organic Chemistry
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