一、Organic Chemistry Portal:https://www.organic-chemistry.org/namedreactions/blanc-reaction.shtm 二、Comprehensive Organic Name Reactions and Reagents, by Zerong Wang,429-432.
Many of the descriptions of the reactions do not offer the original reference. The section on name reactions needs to be read along with M. B. Smith and J. March's Advanced Organic Chemistry, 5th edition (Wiley, 2001). The section on name reagents extensively references Encyclopedia of ...
Grignard Reagents: Their Formation, Reactions, And Reaction Mechanisms Today’s reagent is one that most students have experience in making at some point or another.Grignard reagentsare formed by the reaction of magnesium metal with alkyl or alkenyl halides. They’re extremely good nucleophiles, reac...
organic chemistry, reviewreactions of organo-metal compoundsChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a "Full Text...
In the past decade numerous books were published surveying named transformations and reagents for specific fields of organic chemistry. Consequently, only certain areas were sufficiently covered in those publications. A comprehensive book covering all named reactions and reagents was long desired and could...
and references to the primary literature. The text also includes three indices based on reagents and reactions, starting materials, and desired products. Organic chemistry professors, graduate students, and undergraduates, as well as chemists working in industrial, government, and other laboratories, wil...
Chemical tests and reagents.To fill a gap he perceived as a student, Wang (U. of Houston-Clear Lake) began preparation of this reference in 2000, his aim being to assemble in a convenient manner descriptions of various organic reactions, detailed experimental procedures, and references--for ...
ORG 1SPECORG 2REAGENTSREACTIONS Free samples 1500+ Real-World exam quizzes Over400+blog posts to guide you through introductory Organic Chemistry, organized by subject. 00General Chemistry Review 01Bonding, Structure, and Resonance 02Acid Base Reactions ...
ORG 1SPECORG 2REAGENTSREACTIONS Free samples 1500+ Real-World exam quizzes Over400+blog posts to guide you through introductory Organic Chemistry, organized by subject. 00General Chemistry Review 01Bonding, Structure, and Resonance 02Acid Base Reactions ...
ORG 1SPECORG 2REAGENTSREACTIONS Free samples 1500+ Real-World exam quizzes Over400+blog posts to guide you through introductory Organic Chemistry, organized by subject. 00General Chemistry Review 01Bonding, Structure, and Resonance 02Acid Base Reactions ...