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Techniques in Organic Chemistry: Miniscale, Standard Taper Microscale, and Williamson Microscale 机译:有机化学技术:微型刻度,标准锥度微型刻度和Williamson微型刻度 获取原文 获取原文并翻译 | 示例 获取外文期刊封面目录资料 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面
Organic chemistry is a highly experimental science which is in constant development, but its very basic techniques is still extremely important. We believe that this course may help you become a qualified laboratory newcomer and lead you into a more attractive chemical world. ...
Functional group, any of numerous combinations of atoms that form parts of chemical molecules, that undergo characteristic reactions themselves, and that in many cases influence the reactivity of the remainder of each molecule. In organic chemistry the c
In the second, the material, the main basic laboratory procedures, preparation of samples for different spectroscopic techniques, Microscale, Green Chemistry, and qualitative organic analysis are described. The third part consists of a collection of 84 experiments, divided into 5 modules and arranged ...
This highly effective and practical manual is designed to be used as a supplementary text for the organic chemistry laboratory course - and with virtually any main text - in which experiments are supplied by the instructor or in which the students work independently. Each technique contains a brie...
Covers the basic laboratory techniques of microscale organic chemistry. Beginning with an overview of lab safety, it goes on to cover equipment and techniques. Without touching on specific experiments, it includes a section on qualitative analysis. An introduction to and interpretation of IR theory an...
S. Furniss, 1989, Science, 1514 pages. Most widely used, established and respected reference manual for the organic chemistry laboratory. Incorporates new reactions and techniques now available to the organic chemist..DOWNLOAD
Access Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques 3rd Edition Chapter E36 solutions now. Our solutions are written by Chegg experts so you can be assured of the highest quality!
This manual introduces advanced chemistry students to a variety of techniques which are used in research, including the most useful instrumental analysis (NMR, capillary GC, and GC-MS). Experiments illustrate the power of modern instrumentation, particularly capillary GC and NMR. Interesting experiments...