Chemistry and mineralogy of precambrian paleosols at elliot lake, ontario, canada. Precambrian Res. 1980, 12, 349–373. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Berger, G.; Velde, B.; Beaufort, D.; Lanson, B. Kinetic constraints on iilitization reactions and the effects of organic diagenesis in ...
In rreecceenntt yyeeaarrss,, rreesseeaarcchhers hhaave iinnvveestigated nano-based OIH (OInH) because of their new pprrooppeerrttiieessaannddaapppplliiccaattiioonnsstthheeyyddeemmoonnssttrraatteedd.. Generally speaking, all biosensorss aree aa classss of OIH becauussee of the organic or...
The use of eutectic solvents as green solvents in the extraction of organic compounds from food industry by-products and agro-waste is in accordance with green chemistry principles. The effectiveness of the eutectic solvent depends on the structure, polarity and other physical and chemical properties...
Electrospray (ES) is widely used in analytical chemistry and material science to prepare nanoparticles. During electrospray, liquid samples form charged droplets under high voltages. The electrospray is commonly used to produce nanoparticles, typically in the range of 1 to 100 nanometers [90]. ES,...
Thus, the emergence of a hybrid optical gas sensor based on three types of dye will open new frontiers in pathogenic bacteria odor monitoring. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and performance of optical gas sensors based on an artificial nose system for the ...
biosensors Review Paving the Way for a Green Transition in the Design of Sensors and Biosensors for the Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Camilla Maria Cova 1, Esther Rincón 2 , Eduardo Espinosa 2 , Luis Serrano 2 and Alessio Zuliani 1,* 1 Department of Chemistry, University of...
The path a nanoparticle takes through the body is dictated by its design: primarily its size (ideally 60–100 nm), shape (rods are preferable to spheres), and surface chemistry. Additional considerations apply for imaging and diagnosis of cancer. Scientists must consider a tumor's ...
The emergence of nanotechnology in membrane science has opened new frontiers in the development of advanced polymeric membranes to enhance filtration performance. Nevertheless, some obstacles such as fouling and trade-off of membrane selectivity and permeability of water have hindered the development of ...